Thursday, August 17, 2023


 A couple of fires near Keremeos have greatly increased their size and volatility sending lots of smoke our way.   It began the night before last with a smoky sunset.  Yesterday and today the smoke cover is so thick we seldom see the sun.

Grasshopper in Aileen's flowers.

Grasshopper in Aileen's flowers.

A bumblebee getting settled in for the night.

Mother Osprey and a demanding eaglet.

Uh oh, Mom's had enough and decides to leave.

Now she's perched at the top of a tree looking back.

A female eaglet, none have left the nest yet.

A female eaglet, none have left the nest yet.

My first view of the roiling smoke.

Smoky sunset.

Smoky sunset.  That's the male osprey.

Smoky sunset.

Smoky sunset.

Smoky sunset.

The neighbours brought us some Santa Rosa plums so we made jelly.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I do enjoy Santa Rosa plums! Great flower pictures here. If you want to escape the smoke for a bit, you know where we live. -- Richard
