Mitzy says Hi
Steller's Jay
Jacquie called me one morning to come look out the window at all the Grosbeaks
Kevin and I put in some pretty long days working on our new storage shed and we are finished except for the final trim. Aileen and I started moving stuff in yesterday with Bev’s help. We are sorting harder as we take stuff out of the old storage complex and gathering stuff for a garage sale this Saturday. Our old storage was 12x16 feet and our new one is 10x16. We want to have more space around things so since our last shed was stuffed to the ceiling, we need to purge more.
We’ve been having quite a bit of wet weather so the mud at our construction site has been a challenge. On the other hand, the sun came out a couple of days and roasted us. I have to say it has been an interesting experience as I thought I was done with any type of constructing. Working with Kevin was fun too as he has different ideas on some techniques and he has a laid back approach. Of course it was great to have him there to do the more difficult jobs. His helper worked with us the day we did the roof shingles so I didn’t have to get up on the roof at all which was just fine with me; it isn’t a very big roof.
We drove down to Summerland a few days ago and picked up our new bedroom window. Jim said he would help install it tomorrow morning. Aileen went to the optometrist this morning and her eyesight has improved quite a bit. In fact, so much that she needed a new prescription. She said her vision was getting blurry and was thinking it was deteriorating so was pleased to hear the verdict this morning.
We keep waiting to get evicted from here as Jim has a contractor slated to arrive any day to start leveling the property so there won’t be a spot to park until he is finished. We plan on moving into town
Thursday morning as Aileen had an appointment early Friday and we have arranged to have two more batteries added to the motor home, also on Friday morning. That way we will be close to where we are having the yard sale Saturday morning. Once again, when we move on down the road we are going to need a holiday!