Saturday, December 4, 2021


 Winter has reasserted itself today.  We got about three inches of snow overnight and this morning.  It was just above freezing so the snow was very wet and didn't last long but it was pretty while it lasted.  I got off my butt and went out with three cameras.  I mostly used my large digital camera but used the super zoom for the deer photo and I used the phone for a few as well.

This doe was up on the skyline across the river looking down at me

The RZR and motorhome were looking a little forlorn this morning

A few leaves left on the rose bush

The river runs through these trees and the ridge behind is where the deer was

Along the river in the park

Up the Okanagan River trail beyond our park

Our version of El Capitan



Dead pine

Up the river trail

Vaseux Creek across from our house

Just down and across from our house

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful shot of El Capitan: looks like a beautiful morning, before the melt.
