John and Anne came for supper last Monday. Aileen made a meatloaf and spuds along with steamed veggies. She also made a cherry pie in the convection oven. It was arranged that Ken and my cousin Donna would come for dessert then I got a call from my cousin Chris asking if she and Gord could come too. So they all came plus Donna’s son Ross which made for a good house full. We sure couldn’t put nine people in the trailer. It wasn’t crowded though, just the same. John and I put the slide in using flashlights since the time got away on us. It certainly was easier and faster with two of us.
Tuesday was a fairly nice morning with some sun even. We managed to use site 152 to dump our tanks on the way out. The Cluxewe dump station is poorly laid out. You have to park on the wrong angle and in front of the laundry. We hooked the car up there then stopped and visited Earl and Sharon for awhile. We exchanged emails and perhaps we’ll get together in AZ this Fall.
We stopped for lunch at
We stopped at
Aileen was out in the car a couple of times Wednesday. Once for a much needed haircut down at Errington corner and then again for dog food. I helped Chas and Sheila most of the day sanding or sweeping cedar boards that Sheila then varathaned and also cutting boards. Chas found time to make Aileen the drawers for under the dinette which turned out really well. Aileen is very pleased with them.
Aileen managed a good nap that afternoon. My sister Janet came by for awhile later. After Janet left we four here had supper together then went to
We went to Qualicum on Thursday to pick up my new glasses and Aileen got hers cleaned. The new glasses seem pretty good. I don’t notice much difference but they are slightly sharper. They seem to have gotten the progression right and I don’t notice any issues getting used to the different way they have put the lens together.
Later we were off to
I spent Friday morning helping Chas in the new third bedroom in the cabin putting the ceiling boards and trim up. It looks quite good. After lunch, we went to Merville for the two Fantastic fans I had ordered. I got the old slide motor back also and we took it up to cousin Bill for him to play with. We visited awhile then were going to stop and see friends Lynda and Perry in
Richard called Friday evening to say he would be driving up Saturday with Rob and Beth’s van as he has to pick them up at the airport Sunday evening. We just got home Friday night when Randy and my sister Wendy arrived. We were going to watch a raw food video Sheila had borrowed so they watched it with us.
I cleaned several of the motor home windows Saturday morning. Richard and Georgia arrived from
The air card died Saturday when I went to use it so I took it in to Telus who just confirmed the fact. I didn’t think much of the options. Since the card was off warrantee, I can buy a new one outright for $200, renew the three year contract and get one for $50 or just drop down to the lowest monthly rate which is now $30 instead of $10. Bloody crooks!!! We really only need it for the last two weeks of September as we can’t use it once we head south of the border since Telus no longer has a useable roaming agreement with any US companies. It is quite unfortunate that our contract runs til April 2012.
Later Saturday afternoon,
Aileen had sewn some cloth shower curtains together which we used to make a curtain around
We mostly sat around this morning although Aileen went with Richard and Georgia down to see my parents. It wasn’t a good day apparently. Dad was mostly sleeping and Mom was in foul humour and didn’t want to visit with anyone. The care facility have taken their two room suite and converted it back to two separate bedrooms. Thus far, one room was their bedroom with both beds together and the other was a nice sitting room. I washed motor home windows again. I did the front ones today as my arm wore out the yesterday before I got to the front.
Later this afternoon, Aileen went and picked up her friend Bev from down in Parksville where she is visiting her Mom. Her Mom was taken to hospital Friday with a sodium deficiency and was able to come home that night after having tests then a saline drip.
It looks like I will be taking the pickup and trailer up to Salmon Arm to put on a consignment lot within the next two or three days. We need to find them a new home since they no longer fit our plans.