Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Fall is definitely in the air.  The rooftops were all white yesterday morning but the frost didn't hurt any plants.  The trees aren't changing colour yet but lots of the shrubs are already putting on a show. 
The ospreys all seem to have left for parts warmer and some of the little winter birds are already here.  We're taking the motorhome and General up to Crump campground, just west of Summerland on the Summerland-Princeton Road, Thursday through Sunday.  It's our ATV club windup barbeque and ride on Saturday and some of us spend a few extra days there.  I had the General out for a couple short rides recently.  When we return from this trip the motorhome will have to get winterized since it will be parked for the winter this year.

Steller's Jays over by the river.

Steller's Jay over by the river.

Townsend's Solitaire.

This is Covert Farms which is across the river and up the hill from our development.  I'm guessing the brown fields are where the grapes were frozen out.

Merganser hen, Okanagan River.

Merganser hen, Okanagan River.

Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Just as I went to open the door to go out the other day this cottonwood snapped off and came crashing down.  A large cloud of leaves and debris came right across the street.  Other parts of the valley suffered a lot more damage than we did.  Lucky no one was walking the trail at that moment!

The fruit stands in Keremeos did their normal fall displays.

The fruit stands in Keremeos did their normal fall displays.

The fruit stands in Keremeos did their normal fall displays.

Our flower garden is still pretty good as of October 1.

This shortened up my ride in the General the other day.  That's a lot more than my little folding saw can handle!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you weren't near when those branches came down.
    Great pictures as always.
    It will be a while before we head south again.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
