Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 We've been in the Port McNeill area for a week and a half and I've been geocaching several times with BIL John F.  We've taken the car, his truck and his side by side at various times.  I also did maintenance on the seven geocaches I placed up here last year.  We haven't visited any of my cousins yet but do plan on it.  The past few days have been pretty wet at times and the temperature is much lower than at home.  There has been lots of fog lately too which is different than we're used to most places we go.  We have another geocaching expedition planned for tomorrow.

Mine Lake south of Woss.

Mine Lake south of Woss.

Mine Lake south of Woss.

The Oktwanch River Valley heading toward Woss up through the Nimpkish Valley.  I first drove that road in 1967 heading to a new job in Port Hardy.  Muchalat Lake is just out of the photo to the left.

Muchalat Lake, there is a nice campground at this end of the lake.  We were here 2,000 feet above the lake looking for a geocache.

On the other side of the ridge from the lake looking to the south east, I think.  Mt. Colonel Foster is in the far range.

Spider alert, small one next!

A wee spider in its web.

Fog at Port McNeill.

Fog at Port McNeill.

Fog at Port McNeill.

Found some eagles at Beaver Cove.

This immature bald eagle is drying off.

There was a geocache inside this old Western Red Cedar.  If you look closely you will see John in there.

Inside the big tree looking up.  It had partly burned many years ago.

Slime Mold.  Food for slugs and various insects and beetles.

Slime Mold.  Food for slugs and various insects and beetles.

An interesting tree root on the beach.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 We left Tony and Rita's on Tuesday and made the drive up to Hyde Creek near Port McNeill.   My cousin Steve passed away last year shortly after we visited him and one of his son's who reads my Facebook posts invited us to park at Steve's while we are in the area.  So here we are, parked up near the house away from the dusty road.  There is some industrial noise during the day but very quiet at night and on the weekend.

So far we have only visited Aileen's sister Anne and John.  John and I did some geocaching on two days already.  This morning I went and checked the geocaches I put out last year.  I changed one container to a better one for the wet climate and replaced some of the log sheets so they are ready for other cachers to find.  It has been mostly cloudy and much cooler than where we came from since we arrived and today we've had some rain.

This eagle was perched right above a group having a picnic.

Some Cormorants off the Spit at Campbell River.

Just a man and his dog enjoying life.

The Cormorants weren't concerned with the boat going by.

The Kennecott, an Alaska ferry in Seymour Narrows.

The Kennecott, an Alaska ferry in Seymour Narrows.

The Kennecott passing the Spit in Campbell River.

Lupine at Steve's.

Daisy at Steve's.

Lupine at Steve's.

Blackberry at Steve's.

Daisies at Steve's.

Bumblebee on blackberry at Steve's.

Friday, July 19, 2024


 One day earlier this week I had been out geocaching and on my way home I was checking out ocean viewpoints just north of Campbell River when I happened on a flock of eagles having fun.  Once when they were quiet and roosting I counted six mature and two immature along with a vulture.  When they started flying again more joined in from elsewhere out of my sight so I have no idea how many there actually were.  I just tried to lock on one with my camera and follow it for the brief time it was in view.  There were several large trees that would hide them from me.  It was fun while it lasted!

Aileen continues to improve with less swelling and discolouration.  Her eye is opening a little more as well.  Still dressing the open wound at night.  Tomorrow we plan to head up to Port McNeill for a while.   The temperatures are going to be way lower than what we've been experiencing so I may have to give up my shorts and go back to wearing pants.  I see some rain in the forecast too.

Immature Bald Eagle, they don't usually get the white head and tail until they are about 5 years old.

Immature Bald Eagle.

Turkey Vulture who thought he was an eagle.

Turkey Vulture who thought he was an eagle.

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagles.

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle.

Immature Bald Eagle.  Is that an eel or a snake, I wonder?

Immature Bald Eagle. 

Immature Bald Eagle. 

Immature Bald Eagle. 

Immature Bald Eagle. 

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagles.