Friday, December 17, 2010

Louis Drummond Pickard October 25, 1922 - December 17, 2010

Spring 1947. That's me with Mom and Dad

October 2008 four generations. Richard and Georgia on the left and me in between Mom and Dad

I received the sad news this morning that Dad had passed away at 6:15 AM. While not unexpected, it is still sad. After serving overseas during WW2 in desperate conditions including being wounded, he forged a new life for himself and his beloved Emily. He worked at farming and in the forest industry to make a living for them and their family of eight children. I think he was well satisfied with the life he had and enjoyed many years of retirement on his small farm. Of course his grand children and great grand children were a great source of pleasure to him over the years. He was a favourite with the girls in both care facilities he was in over the past three years.


  1. Yes, it's a terribly sad day indeed. Not unexpected, true, but that doesn't make it easy. I've spent an awful lot of time over the years thinking about him, and I've always thought about myself and my life in relation to him and his. I'll keep doing that, I'll always keep doing that, but we're all a little poorer today.

  2. John
    Sorry to hear about your father`s passing. Even when you know the end is coming, it`s still never easy and seems all too abrupt.
    Love, Mike, Shaunee and family

  3. John - what's your email address?

