Friday, November 13, 2020



We get some snow then it melts, we get some snow then it rains.  The leaves are mostly down but still brightly coloured and look nice with touches of snow highlighting them.  We have had quite a bit of nasty wind so you really have to dress for it to go walking.  My photography is rather limited in this mostly blah weather we are having so not too many new images to share. 

The winter garden comment has piqued some people’s interest.  Aileen and Karen planted onions, leeks and beet plants earlier in the fall.  They were just little fingerlings but they have grown well so we are still eating beets even in the snow.  They also planted peas, beets, turnips and spinach from seed recently.  They will sprout as soon as the ground temperature moderates.  You can find lots of information by googling “winter gardens”.

Since I have a fair bit of spare time these days, I have been digging into my photographic archives which I have stored on external hard drives.  Since I tend to take quite a few images when shooting, there are many photos that I haven’t edited.  I’m finding that it’s fun to edit these older photographs using the newer technology and experience that I have gained over the years.  I have shared some via Facebook and am happy to see that others are enjoying them.

Our daughter came for a short visit on Wednesday and brought the two grand dogs with her.  It was so nice to have some time with her.  I was able to get one photo but couldn’t get both dogs to look out the window at the same time.

Grand dog Meiki

These are from an afternoon walk a couple days ago

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy the beginning of Fall but not when everything looks Bleak.
    Nice composition pictures and Meiki is a cutie.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
