Sunday, March 3, 2019


Yes, for the second time in just over six weeks I have come down with another nasty cold.   Once again, Aileen got it first then and she still has symptoms but improving,  Mine continues to get worse.  This one is worse than the last as I'm coughing more and the warm (finally) weather makes me cough more.  I missed attending ATV friend Aubrey's memorial yesterday.  We did watch the spring fling parade go past us by looking out the window.  I  didn't take a single photo either.  No energy or whatever.
I spend most of my day either reading or dozing, it seems.  It's pretty frustrating since we are getting down to so few days left before heading north.  We were going to take a couple day road trip in the car while our neighbour pours a cement slab beside the motor home but I don't feel up to it.
The first couple of photos and the last group were taken on a road trip last week with our friends, Richard and Judy.  We went south of Tucson then did a circle through the grasslands to the east of Highway 19.  The gopher, jack rabbit and Coolidge photos were taken while waiting for the Honda CRV to have an oil change.
Several of my ATV friends welcomed me back but are disappointed than I'm not able to be out leading.  Well, I am too since I have so few rides left.

A surprise waterfall on Box Canyon Rd south of Tucson

Rock Squirrel


Red-tailed Hawks playing in the wind

Sunset behind our park

Round-tailed Ground Squirrel (gopher)

Black-tailed Jack Rabbit

Old house near Coolidge, AZ

ATV club evening cookout

San Xavier del Bac, south if Tucson

Aileen, Richard and Judy

Mexican Jay

Southeastern AZ hill country

Southeast of Tucson

Loggerhead Shrike



  1. Some beautiful pictures of the area, hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Hopefully you will be better soon. Taking a combination of Vitamin C and E have really helped Kathy minimize her colds this winter.
    Beautiful Pictures as always.
    Be Safe and Get Well Soon!

    It's about time.
