Time is counting down. Just over three weeks until we cross the border heading for Arizona. Tomorrow we are going to a celebration of life for my Dad's brother. My Dad was from a family of eight. The first five of them passed years apart but the last three all passed away in less than six months this year. The last one had requested no service so hopefully this is the last celebration for a while. It is mostly the only way we get to see the extended family but not the best way.
Not so much fall as drought caused early leaf drop on some of the maples
We went down to one of our favourite spots to see if there would be a sunset last night. Sunset fizzled but the late light was nice on the Arbutus trees.
Giving up on the sunset, I turned my camera the opposite direction and found the light was very nice
All the above photos were taken with my Canon 6D and 24-105mm lens with the camera on my tripod
While sitting out in the sun this morning, I noticed a couple of spiders busy constructing new webs
Web weaver at work
The spider photos were taken with my Canon 5D Mark 2 and Canon 100mm macro lens hand held. It took a lot of shots to get these three! There is very little depth of field when using macro lenses so rather difficult to get the subject in focus.