September 5, 2009
We’ve been making good progress whittling our list down here in Salmon Arm. We even made time to add a new member to the team which is a 2008 CanAm ATV (quad) that seats two people one behind the other. It has a longer wheelbase than is standard so more stable going up hills with two riders. Now another item has been added to the list and that is to build some means of carrying the ATV in the truck while we’re towing the trailer. I went and got that started with a retired welder yesterday and it seems it will take part of three days next week. So far, the truck has new tires, a new windshield, a service and new insurance. Our storage locker rental has been renewed and covered by insurance. We also went by our house and spent part of a morning pruning and cleaning up the front flower beds. The trailer had the brakes adjusted and the bearings re-packed.
We went with my uncle Jim up the mountain near here today for a good ride. He took his motorbike. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t great so not many pictures were taken. Cloud and smoke made everything quite blah. We did get rained on for a time but didn’t actually get wet.
Aileen has managed to visit a couple friends and we had a good visit with our friends Martin and Myrtle one evening. We visited my aunt Diana and Jack in Enderby one afternoon. Last night we had supper at our daughter Bev’s house. Aileen had spent the afternoon with her picking out paint and buying some bookshelves. B, A and I put all four bookshelves together after supper.
The forest fire situation has eased greatly all around here with most evacuees allowed back home last night. There is still fire activity which could flare up again if the right conditions happen. The firefighters have used the opportunity to continue building fire guards so they have a head start should conditions worsen. I haven’t heard of any structures burning in this area although there were some close calls.
I had some excitement the other evening when I opened the fridge to see if I could guess what Aileen had planned for supper. I barely had the door ajar when the whole door went crashing to the floor. It landed right on the pets’ glass water dish which exploded. A piece of that poked a hole in the bottom of the door so it has been patched with silicone. I was able to have a guy in Enderby build a little plate to take the place of the part that broke so hopefully it is fixed long term. The chap was surprised it broke this early as it is less than two years old.
September 6th
Well didn’t get this posted yesterday as the cell service wasn’t working. Mitzy is getting a bath and haircut this afternoon so she’ll look pretty again for awhile. We received an email from Betty (and Jim) who we bought our Caliente property from and she was full of news of some of our friends from there. Sounds like they’ll be getting there about the same time as we hope to.
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