The new improved, spiffy and very tired Mitzy

The quad and it's new rack with the tailgate closed
We’re still busy, busy working down our list and we’re almost done! Bev took Aileen up to her jobsite at the SPCA on Sunday and Aileen gave Mitzy a haircut under Bev’s tutelage. Mitzy looks very spiffy again. However, the weather cooled off dramatically so now she spends some of her time shivering. Yesterday was very cool and quite wet. Today we are back to gorgeous weather and I think we are in for several days of it.
I went to Blind Bay this morning and got some good news. The welder had come up with an old rack he used to haul a skidoo on and did I want to use it for my quad. Since the length was exactly what we needed, I said yes and when he said it would be way cheaper, I said YES!!! It took us about 5 ½ hours to get it all together. I had to remove a zillion screws holding on plastic strips then wire brush the whole thing to clean it up so I expect some sore muscles tomorrow. I’m very satisfied with it as the slope on the ramp inside the box is less than the slope getting up to the tailgate. The good part is that the tailgate closes with the machine loaded so there should be no interference with the trailer when we’re traveling. There is also some storage space available under the rack for some totes of things seldom used. I took Jim, the welder, for lunch at a German deli after we had everything finished. Now we have a free day tomorrow because with Plan A, we would have been finishing the rack built from scratch.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could re-tool your About Me section to tell us if you are having fun yet?! Teeheehee!
That is some device you got there! I bet you get a lot of jealous looks as you roll down the highway....