Tuesday, March 11, 2025


I snuck up on this last year's fawn and watched her for a while before she noticed me.  She didn't get very nervous.

More buttercups appearing.

Normally I take long exposures so I make the water look silky which is my preference but I know there are people who don't appreciate that so here is a shot taken with a fast shutter speed.

This group of bighorn sheep came over the crest of a hill and were striding out like they had somewhere to be soon.

While I was driving on the road above Vaseux Lake I heard a Meadowlark singing.  I got out of the car and wandered around for quite a while before finally spotting him way further away than I expected.  He was in the top of a large pine tree and basically too far away for a decent photo.  But I tried anyway.

The songster.

Along Allendale Road I spotted a herd of bighorn sheep taking their siesta.

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