Monday, June 24, 2024


 After a couple days of geocaching with a brother in law and a day of haying at brother Charlie and Sheila's and more we moved again to be closer to visit with Richard and Georgia.  Oh, another day we visited Sharon in Courtenay who is a distant relative and one of my regular readers of this post.  There are friends and relatives here who we will try to catch up with.  Actually, there are so many it is hard to see more than just a few each time we visit.

Red Squirrel spotted while geocaching.

Red Squirrel spotted while geocaching.

Red Squirrel spotted while geocaching.

Little Qualicum River.

Foam in a back eddy, Little Qualicum River.

Englishman River near a geocache I found.

Little Qualicum River.

Little Qualicum River.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 While I was cleaning up my computer I found I hadn't edited some photos back in April so they are included today along with a few from last evening.

Spring was bursting.

Mallard drake.

Canada Goose.

Western Grebes, Salmon Arm wharf.

Western Grebes, Salmon Arm wharf.

Western Grebes, Salmon Arm wharf.

Western Grebes, Salmon Arm wharf.

Baby Swallow, Salmon Arm wharf.

Bald Eagle in front of the motorhome last night.

Bald Eagle in front of the motorhome last night.

Bald Eagle in front of the motorhome last night.

White-Crowned Sparrow last night in Qualicum.

White-Crowned Sparrow singing.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


 We had a pretty wet day yesterday and today was forecast to be just cloudy.  Well, not quite as we had several good showers.  Probably dampened a few Father's Day events around the area.  This was a resting day for us after the eventful week we just had.  Late nights and early mornings caught up to us old folks.

I took this a while back on a side street in Duncan.  That scarecrow is about twelve feet tall!

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 We left Seal Bay RV Park this morning after a fun week with six other couples.  Lots of laughs, too much food and some awesome card games, just the way we like it.  I did quite a bit of walking around on the trails next to the rv park in Seal Bay Nature Park.  I found some birds to play with and I also found a few geocaches.

    Today we moved 80 kms (50 miles) down to park at Charlie and Sheila's for a few days.  We had a nice start to the day and sat outside for our hitch up breakfast of muffins and fruit.  However, within minutes of leaving the park we encountered heavy rain and had that off and off for the rest of the day.  All today’s photos were taken in Seal Bay Nature Park except for the bird in hand images.

Western Yellow Pond-Lily.

Brown Creeper.

Red-Breasted Sapsucker.



Downy Woodpecker showing a young one how it is done.

Downy Woodpecker.

Western Tanager.

Bald Eagle soaring above where we were sitting.

Pathway in the park.

Pathway in the park.

These trees rooted in a big stump that has rotted away over the years.

This Cedar Waxwing hit an RV window and stunned himself for a while.

He seemed to enjoy visiting with me and after pooping once on my shorts and twice on my hand, he flew away.


Thursday, June 6, 2024


 We're sitting in the parking lot waiting to get on a ferry to Vancouver Island.  We arrived at 11:30 and the 12:45 sailing was full so hopefully we'll get on the 3:15 sailing which is running late.  Since we have internet here, I decided it was a good time to post another blog.   We left home yesterday morning and spent the afternoon and night in Manning Park.  It is the halfway point to the ferry terminal.  We drove for three hours yesterday and three hours this morning.  The majority of today's images were taken yesterday in Manning Park.

We are heading to Neil and Carol's in Duncan for a few days then on Monday we'll head up to Seal Bay RV Park near Comox to join RV friends for five nights.

These two photos show some of the devastated vineyards near OK Falls.  The cold snap in January killed off a large percentage of the vineyards in the whole Okanagan Valley.  These vineyards should be solid green by now but there's not a leaf on them.  Every so often you will see some vines that are just fine but those are the hardier species.  The industry got lulled into planting less hardy versions in order to make more popular wines.

These two photos show some of the devastated vineyards near OK Falls.  The cold snap in January killed off a large percentage of the vineyards in the whole Okanagan Valley. These vineyards should be solid green by now but there's not a leaf on them.  Every so often you will see some vines that are just fine but those are the hardier species.  The industry got lulled into planting less hardy versions in order to make more popular wines.

Yellow Stream Violets.

Moss Campion.

Biscuitroot with a spider.

Deer crossing the Similkameen River in Manning Park.  There were four of them at first but just these by the time I got my camera in action.

Deer crossing the Similkameen River in Manning Park.  There were four of them at first but just these by the time I got my camera in action.

Steller's Jay in the campsite.

Townsend's Warbler near our campsie.

Townsend's Warbler near our campsie.

This squirrel was chattering at us near the campsite.

Moss Campion.

Lots of Moss Campion.

Manning Park Lodge and some US mountains.

A beaver pond in Manning Park, Saskatoon flowers in the foreground.