Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Well actually, not much.  Two days before crossing the border, at the campground near Pendleton, Oregon I tripped or something while crossing the towbar when I was cleaning the grunge off the motorhome tail lights.  It was extremely painful at the time but seemed to be improving the next few days.  But then the pain in my calf spread to my ankle and foot and they swelled up and got very purple.  I stayed off the leg as much as possible and kept it elevated and iced.  So, lots of lying about for me.  I did get out yesterday and replaced log sheets in some of my geocaches but the left leg doesn't like uneven ground so that was a bother.  Needless to say I'm not doing my usual river walks and next to no photography.  I am working my way through the big stack of books I got from the library the other day.
I'm taking the motorhome to Osoyoos on Friday for an oil change then Sunday we plan to take it to Salmon Arm for a few days starting Sunday.  We'll see how things go but I imagine I will have to visit a physio sometime and get some help getting my leg and foot back on track.

Squirrel along the Snake River in Oregon.

A couple of geese along the Snake River in Oregon.

Oregon Grape leaves out the car window yesterday.

Western Bluebird spotted yesterday while I was at a geocache.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot.

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