Sunday, June 20, 2021


 We wanted to try a different route for our walk last night so we drove to Okanagan Falls then took the Green Lake Road.  We parked along the Okanagan River channel and walked along the old railroad grade toward Vaseux Lake.  It appears to be a seldom used area and there were lots of birds and other wildlife.  Suddenly I spotted the bear standing up just across a pond from us about 60-70 feet away.   He just remained calm and hardly moved until after we carried on.  There was no sign of him on our way back a few minutes later.  The only downside was the mosquitos in the wooded section of the trail.   They found Aileen to be rather delectable while they barely bit me.

Swallowtail on Milkweed

Pygmy Nuthatch on Ponderosa Pine

Black Bear

I know, not black but this isn't unusual as black bears come in many colours.

Young Yellow-bellied Marmot not far from where the bear was.  He would be a tasty morsel for the bear.

Notice how the marmot has gotten comfortable with me and is relaxing instead of ready for flight.

He let me get within about 8-9 feet.

Along the back road to Penticton a couple days ago.

The flower bed roughed in.

The RZR has found a new home next to the motorhome.  Don't know how long that will last as they are talking of re-aligning the parking spots and I may lose the extra wide one.

Wild baby's Breath, Gypsophila.  This is a Eurasian specie that has escaped from cultivation.

We managed to see two of these Western Painted Turtles on our walk last night, one before the bear and one after.

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