Friday, January 15, 2021



Well, this has been a long dry spell for my blog.  Staying put as much as possible and not interacting with others kind of makes life dull so not much to share.  I have done quite a bit of scanning of old photos and slides in the past few weeks.  I’m up to nearly 1,000 now.  I have tossed out thousands of slides keeping just a few that I may want to scan at higher resolution in the future.

               I have been spending a lot of my time editing the scanned images and sharing them.  Old family photos are being shared five a day to a Facebook page shared with my cousins.  The rest of the images I’m posting six a day onto my Facebook page to share with my friends.  Most of these are pre-digital so are new subjects that I haven’t shared before.

               Our weather has been quite moderate so far this month.  The day before yesterday the thermometer read 8C and when I pushed the conversion button on the back it said 48F.  We have had a couple of days with no wind but generally there is a lot of wind here in the valley.  Given that, we didn’t have any of the devastation that occurred further north in the Okanagan and Shuswap or especially on Vancouver Island.

               Not much to report on the house front.  The new unit is in place next to our lot and they are busy completing it.  There are three stakes on our lot showing our unit placement so that’s a positive sign.  We have a face to face meeting coming on Monday regarding the carport and deck.

               I’ve made a couple trips down to the lot recently which is about our only travel and photo opportunity.  The last trip down I managed to get up close and personal with five trumpeter swans so I will include a couple of new images of them.  We did take a quick trip to Salmon Arm recently to gather our mail but we didn’t see anybody.  We were surprised how much more wintery it was up that way.  They had lots of snow and icy sidewalks while down here we had bare ground.  Maybe we are making the right decision to settle in Oliver rather than going back to the Shuswap.

Young trumpeter swan

Mr and Mrs Trumpeter Swan

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy your updates and thanks so much for sharing the family photos. So many I’ve never seen and all the wonderful memories from the multitude of parties 🎉
