We have things back to normal now. Aileen has finished cleaning the travel trailer and everything is put back where it belongs around the place. I was on another ATV ride on the 30th of Jan which got a little interesting going through some large boulders. I managed to get some air time with my front wheel like some of the pictures show. We’ve had a few days of nicer weather and are in for another front from the Pacific for the next several days. I see Vancouver and Seattle had the warmest January on record. I suspect
The Sunday music jams are going well again. My sister Wendy takes her guitar there and joins in. I heard her do two songs by herself, with great backup from the 21 others, and I was impressed. I had never heard her play and sing solo before. All the years she did that at home, I was already gone from there. There were some pretty good musicians and singers this week so enjoyable to listen and the price is certainly right. I put a dollar into the food pot.
Mitzy and I have been going for walks in the desert most days and she’s getting pushier about going earlier. I took her for a longer one today so she is really pooped.
We went to an ATV club campfire Saturday night out in the desert behind us. Aileen and I rode the ATV out as did some others but many drove their cars out. There were about 30 people and a good time was had. I posted a couple pictures I took using a tripod and long exposure which is why you may see some blurred movement in the image.
Ha! Good thing The Mitter wasn't with you on that ride I guess!