Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lots has been happening in our lives since my last post. We moved everything but the appliances out of the house into our storage locker. Daughter Bev and nephew Mike were great helpers. We would have been in trouble without them. Thanks, guys! The house was turned over to the rental agent in very clean condition on September 24. We had moved out of the house into the trailer on September 20 and parked at friend Joan’s out in Gleneden. Thanks again for your hospitality Joan.
Sold the 4x4 Tracker to Bev on September 23. Sad to part with my little buddy but if we manage to stay on the road awhile, it wouldn’t be happy just sitting. It was such a great machine for the bush and so fuel efficient. September 23 was also my youngest sister Becky’s birthday. Hope you had a great day.
The past week has seen us doing a multitude of last minute stuff such as canceling our cable internet, contacting Teresen Gas and Hydro, changing our house phone number to one of the cells, purchasing an extended program for it, buying an aircard and rate plan so we can have internet where ever there is cell coverage (so far it is working great), stocking up on six months vitamins and supplements and the list goes on! We also purchased a second laptop for Aileen’s use but haven’t had time to open the box yet. We hope to take a few days downtime somewhere starting Monday. The wi-fi card can be shared by both computers, just not at the same time. It’s just a little thing like a cell phone and plugs into a USB port.
September 25 saw us visit the free dump station at Piccadilly Mall, top up with propane at SuperSave then leave Salmon Arm to “hit the road”. Didn’t go too far. We’re camped at Kekuli Bay Provincial Park just south of Vernon for three nights and plan to head down the road tomorrow morning. We found a couple of gift certificates not used when moving out so lunch was in Vernon at the Prestige and supper was at the Keg in Kelowna. Thanks Janet and John and Bev and Kev!
Our reason for staying here was to take in the annual Okanagan Photo Rally which was hosted this year by the Central Okanagan and Lightroom clubs from Kelowna and took place today. There was a large turnout. Great meeting old friends from the host clubs and Summerland and Shuswap clubs. A bountiful feast was laid on for all participants at the completion. We managed some quiet time back at the campsite. We were able to sit and putter outside in the 23C temperature. We both took Mitzy for big walks so she is pooped tonight. Next three days were promising pure sunshine and warmer. Sure hope so. Bye for now.


  1. Good to hear you slowing down a little and relaxing... I can almost hear the sigh of relief! Hope Miss Sophie is settling in to the routine. Little Aloha here took a tumble this evening but so far seems ok. Not feeling as adventurous as in past days - but Alice seems to respect it and is giving her lots of cuddles. Meira doing a good job as Auntie and keeping Alice out of Aloha's space when she is active. Last night she was really grooming up a storm! The kittens were soaked. Too cute. I have to make sure I leave the camera within reach at night, as getting up to get it would spoil it. Hug & kisses to ya.

  2. I'm glad the rush is over as well, and I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to help out. We'll see you soon, and I look forward to following your path on this!

    Bev: Alice? Aloha? Pardon?
