In mid-September 2011 we were on our way to a photo conference in Colorado Springs. A photo friend had told me earlier about the old ghost town of Bannack and she said if you ever get close, try to fit in a visit. We stopped at an RV Park in Dillon, MT and after I unhooked the car from the motorhome and got everything set up, I hit the road for Bannack. I happened there as an old car group had gotten permission to drive into the park with their old Fords. Three of them were Canadian and three were American and they were on a big road trip. After they departed, I had the whole town to myself. Lots of the old original members in attendance.
In local news, we had our second largest snowfall of the winter last night receiving about one inch. When the temperature was at plus one this afternoon I went out and cleared the driveway. That got me puffing and coughing! We are slowly improving, I think.