We spent several days cleaning both the inside and outside of the travel trailer and the outside of the park model. That was a big job we’re glad to be finished. Lots of interruptions to visit with neighbours, so we got to rest sometimes. We are enjoying being able to spread out a little. I have all my photography and computer stuff out in my “lab” which is an un-insulated aluminum shed. It works for me. It’s nice to be able to have everything accessible.
We have run into a problem with the ATV. The new 2009 regulations require all ATVs to have an offroad decal which is affixed to a license plate. The motor vehicle branch is telling me I need to provide an import document. The Federal Customs people don’t know what MVD is talking about. I don’t either as I’m not bringing it across permanently, just for the winter then it goes back to BC. After exhausting both MVD and Customs, Customs suggested I contact Fish and Game who actually drafted the law to see what they had in mind for Canadians. So far, I have been unable to connect with someone high enough up to know anything. I’ve wasted two days on this so far and driven to both Coolidge and Casa Grande. I managed to get it inspected and passed. There were two other Canadians at Casa Grande the other day with me who both failed at getting registered. I keep telling everyone I speak with that there will soon be hundreds more Canadians in the same predicament as me so they better get the procedure figured out.
I celebrated my 63rd birthday yesterday by getting up early and taking my photo cards to the bi-monthly sale in the clubhouse. It’s a good thing the tables are free to residents as I only sold six cards and those were to one woman. There are not that many people here yet so things will probably improve as time goes on. I seem to have volunteered to teach photography this winter so yesterday I set up some times with the activity director. I’m considering trying to start up a photo club in the park as well. I will make an announcement next Monday at the weekly gathering.
We went to
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