Saturday, February 22, 2025


 It was 4C mid-morning when I decided to go for a short walk.  I bundled up well since the wind was blowing quite well.  Mostly I was warm enough but the wind sure chilled my face and caused my eyes to water.  It was nice to finally get out of the house and just wander along.

Black-capped Chickadee.

Black-capped Chickadee.

Pygmy Nuthatch.

Red-tailed Hawk.

Red-tailed Hawk.

Red-tailed Hawk.

Red-tailed Hawk.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


I THINK WE'RE FINALLY ON THE MEND.  Well, it's been over two and a half weeks but we are finally starting to feel better.  We're both still pretty tired but not coughing nearly as much.  We even took the camera for a ride this morning.  We didn't go far but we got to see a couple of sheep, some magpies, swans and ice.  We were surprised how many ice fishermen were out on Vaseux Lake.  With all the pools of melting water on the ice it didn't look all that safe to me.  I did the notice the conservation officer was out checking to make sure everyone was legal.

Ménage a trois.  I was surprised to see these sheep mating so late in the season.  The majority of the rams have long since separated from the ewes and gone back to their lonely existence.

Looking down on Vaseux Lake.

Wine country north of Vaseux Lake.

Friday, February 14, 2025


 In mid-September 2011 we were on our way to a photo conference in Colorado Springs.   A photo friend had told me earlier about the old ghost town of Bannack and she said if you ever get close, try to fit in a visit.  We stopped at an RV Park in Dillon, MT and after I unhooked the car from the motorhome and got everything set up, I hit the road for Bannack.  I happened there as an old car group had gotten permission to drive into the park with their old Fords.  Three of them were Canadian and three were American and they were on a big road trip.  After they departed, I had the whole town to myself. Lots of the old original members in attendance.

In local news, we had our second largest snowfall of the winter last night receiving about one inch.  When the temperature was at plus one this afternoon I went out and cleared the driveway.  That got me puffing and coughing!  We are slowly improving, I think.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 Aileen phoned our doctor in Salmon Arm yesterday and got a prescription so I masked up and went to town for it.  I took the opportunity to get some much needed groceries.  The cough candies I had were eating out the inside of my mouth so I grabbed something different.  However, they aren't doing much for me yet.  Aileen is definitely better than yesterday.
With all this time confined to the house I started prowling through my photo archives and have a few to share with you today.
Mt. Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies at 3,954 m, 12, 972 feet.  I took this photo on June 2, 2009.

Mt. Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies at 3,954 m, 12, 972 feet.  I took this photo on June 2, 2009.

We saw some Orcas on a whale watching trip out of Telegraph Cove on Northern Vancouver Island on August 17, 2009.

We saw some Orcas on a whale watching trip out of Telegraph Cove on Northern Vancouver Island on August 17, 2009.

Artwork in the sand.  As the tide recedes it often creates some amazing art forms if you take the time to look.  It is often very fleeting as the next wave in might destroy it so you need to be quick with the camera.  These were taken April 6, 2011.

Artwork in the sand.  As the tide recedes it often creates some amazing art forms if you take the time to look.  It is often very fleeting as the next wave in might destroy it so you need to be quick with the camera.

I converted this one to B&W.

Sunday, February 9, 2025


 We are both still coughing like crazy.  Haven't stuck my nose out the door since bringing in the garbage can last Monday morning.  Coughing sure affects a lot of different parts of the body.  Macro Closeup Water Ice photo challenge was the camera club topic for January.  The photo has to be taken after the challenge is announced so you can't go through years of photos to select a really good one.  I was pleased to get first place this month with my Icy Bird.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 We picked up a cold or something somewhere and have been suffering for a few days.  Aileen was coughing one day and the next morning I woke with a sore throat.  It seems strange but we don't have all the same symptoms.  She coughs, I sneeze.  I have to blow my nose many times more than she does.  I haven't been out the door since Sunday except to put the garbage out Monday morning.  It doesn't help that we are now in a cold snap with highs of -6C the past couple days and with a stiff wind the whole time.  It was -10C this morning.  Glorious sunny day currently but I can only look out at it.  It's been a few days since I had my camera out but I found a few photos from a few days prior than I will post here.  Aileen helped me take down my print display at the Senior's Centre on Saturday.  On Sunday I installed eight prints in our clubhouse at the request of the social committee.  I will rotate others through monthly if that works out.

Cooper's Hawk.

The Cooper's Hawk flew to another tree and proceeded to preen for me.

Not quite finished yet.

Now he's done.

Are you still looking at me?

American Dipper in the Okanagan River.

Well, did you get a good picture of me?

Saturday, February 1, 2025


 While the Coast and Vancouver Island were experiencing snowy weather, we had some gorgeous blue skies this morning.  I have had a display of 36 of my framed prints at the Oliver Senior's Centre for the month of January and received many compliments.  I brought the prints home today and will be displaying a few at a time in our clubhouse for the next while.

While it was cloudy to the south there were blue skies to the east, west and north.  McIntyre Bluff on the right and our house is just beyond it over that low saddle.

Many of the Trumpeter Swans were resting on the ice in Vaseux Lake.

The north end of Vaseux Lake where the Okanagan River flows in.

Ponderosa Pine on the Allendale Road bluffs.

Vineyards, Vaseux Lake and McIntyre Bluff from Allendale Road.