Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
We've been seeing a lot of large flocks of sheep lately and they are mostly in these alfalfa or grass paddocks. Note how flat these fields are and the ridges separating the. This is to allow flood irrigation which is by far the most common method of getting water to the crops.
Then we have to try and shake it all off before Mom notices!
Friday, February 11, 2011

My main lens, a Canon 24-105 seems to have a problem. I keep getting an error message every time I try to shoot lower than level and sometimes all the time. It was very frustrating and at first I thought it was my camera causing the problem. I decided to try my other lenses and had no issues at all. I will send it off to Canon Canada when we get back to BC but in the mean time I have ordered a 28-135 Canon to fill in and it arrived today. I shoot 90 plus percent of my images with the 24-105 so it is really important to have a spare in that range. All my shots at the Greek Monastery, on my last post, were shot with my 20mm fixed lens.
I have been buying grapefruit from the truck that comes into the park every Monday and they are awesome. The price is okay too at 20 cents each for large ones. They are so juicy and sweet. We went to friends, Ken and Marie’s, for supper Tuesday night and had a great evening. Aileen made a really tasty pecan pie for desert. We played SkipBo which we haven’t played for several years. Aileen won the first two games and Ken the last one. We used to play often with our Salmon Arm neighbours, Bill and Del and we always had a ball but that was back in our other life.
We took Bev to Sky HarborAirport in Phoenix Wednesday at noon for her to head back home. We were sad to see her go and I think she would have liked to stay longer. We really enjoyed her visit and all the help she was too. She did lots of cleaning and little projects we were ignoring. She was a blessing to me with my new computer since she is a lot more tech savvy than I am.
I took the motor home over to Coolidge yesterday for an oil and lube job. I didn’t have to wait too long and surprised Aileen by getting home much earlier than she thought. I went for a ride on my bike yesterday afternoon, my first since before getting ill in December. It’s becoming quite challenging getting our laundry done now with the park getting so full. There are about 20 washing machines spread throughout the park and sometimes it takes a long while before you can get one. Our next door neighbour, Carol, is the smart one. She goes when everyone else is either in bed or glued to the TV. That’s swimming pool time in this house so doesn’t work. Aileen was thinking she may have to set the alarm for 5 am to get into the laundry without competition. I have been to the hot tub a couple times and that sure has felt good.
We’re going to have to sit down pretty soon and start planning our itinerary for our trip north departure time is fast approaching. We figure to go up I5 from southern California but have to decide on how we get to there from here. We try to take different routes when possible but in some cases at this time of year those options are pretty limited as we don’t want any winter driving experiences.
Aileen was up early this morning to take Mitzy over to the vet in Coolidge to have her teeth cleaned. We picked her up about 3 pm and she was glad to see us. We picked up more groceries while we were over in Coolidge. The weather is great again. We were at 22C (about 70F) when we got home at 4 pm and overnight temperatures are rising as well. Overnights are supposed to stay above or close to 40F for the next while.
Sunday, February 6, 2011

We been enjoying having Bev visit and she has done lots of little projects for us that we had mostly let slide. We’ve played three games of Mexican Train and Aileen has won all three! We’ve made several trips over to Casa Grande for various things and I think had lunch there every time.
On Wednesday morning, I mentioned that my grapefruit seemed rather warm and the pop did too. I then checked the thermometer when Aileen reminded me of it and it was 46F. Awhile later, after turning the dial to cooler, it was even warmer. A little later, the fridge quit completely! Great! Bev and Aileen got chatting with Kathy Richardson down the street who mentioned checking out Brown’s Coolers in Coolidge. By the time Mitzy and I returned from our walk in the desert, Aileen had a list of new and used ones that would fit our opening. Bev and I headed over while Aileen stayed to make the pecan pie for supper. We looked at the used fridges which were $250 and up. They all looked old, tired and junky. I called Sears in Casa Grande but they had nothing on the floor that would work so I bought an 18 cubic foot one at Brown’s. It cost $616 including tax and $35 delivery. They delivered it about 2:30 and took our old one away. We had friends Ken and Marie over for supper and the pecan pie which is Ken’s favourite. Aileen made a gluten free pastry and it has to be the best pastry I’ve ever had. We played Mexican train that night too with that being one of Aileen’s wins.
I’m starting to get this new computer somewhat organized but am having several issues. My ProShow Gold shows won’t load at all, I get a message saying it can’t find the file. I guess I’ll have to contact their help line to see if they have a simple fix. It needs to be simple for me! I’m also having trouble finding a direct path to some of my document files and pictures. I couldn’t be happier with the computer’s performance when it comes to Photomatix and PhotoShop Elements. It is really fast, in fact, I don’t have those little rest times while waiting for something to process that were so plentiful before.
Yesterday we went to St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery which is ten miles south of Florence, AZ. If you are in the area, find the time to visit this very interesting place. The architecture and workmanship is fascinating. You can pick up a brochure and wander the grounds on your own or follow along with a guided tour. There is a dress code. Men are to have long sleeve shirts and long pants while ladies are to wear long dresses (well below the knee) long sleeved blouses and head scarfs. They do have skirts and scarves available to borrow. You will see Bev and Aileen wearing them. After leaving the Monastery, we drove out the Florence-Kelvin Highway and then pulled off on the Barkerville Rd to have our lunch. Aileen had packed the makings and we stood at the back of the car and made our own lunches then stood in the sun to eat. It was quite pleasant. We carried on to Kelvin then turned north and went up to Superior. We stopped at the overlook for the huge Ray Copper Mine then later dove through some of old Superior.
Our weather has finally warmed up to be much more pleasant. I went in the hot tub yesterday and today in the mid afternoons. That’s my first time since back in December and I enjoyed it. The pools got so cold even Aileen had to miss a couple nights. Our pool is 82F today so she will be using it tonight. I think our temperatures dropped down as low as 20F and there were several broken water lines in the park with water shooting out. I have been reading other travel blogs from all over the southern US and we fared better than a lot of places. Some RVers were caught in 0F tempertures and suffered total freeze up of their water lines. Others had snow and ice storms to contend with and there was a lot of wind at time as well. Of course when looking at the overall situation throughout North America, we were still among the most fortunate. A lot of the plants both here and in the towns have been badly frosted so we are way down on flowers now. I imagine it will be awhile before there are many blossoms in the desert this Spring.
We are down to less than three weeks before heading north to BC already. We have a lot of things to do before then. I imagine we’ll probably find some winter like weather along the way. We plan to go to Vancouver Island first for about four weeks. My Dad’s celebration of life is now scheduled for April 9 in Errington and after attending it we will then head for Salmon Arm to take care of business and appointments. We haven’t given thought to what’s after that yet, or at least I haven’t.