Monday, July 2, 2012


These yellow violets were blooming where the snow had just melted off.  The bugs and a bee found them popular

This could possibly be the last operating logging railroad in North America

I found this surprised looking Willow Grouse in an area that had been burned over recently.  That's a burned stump and a new sprig of Fireweed behind the grouse

This is the motion of water in a little wide spot in a creek, the water had been falling over rocks creating the foam bubbles

I took this picture of Old Grumpy from my ATV

This was a long shot of another bear way up the hillside from us

Up at the back end of Stewart Main logging road, the mountains rise up steeply on both side and there were many pretty waterfalls 

This was the end of the road for us.  The snow must be at least twelve feet deep where the road curves in under it.

Indian Paintbrush

A little deer in our campsite

I took my better camera and lens out yesterday to get a better image of this beautiful waterfall on Center Main near O'Connor Lake.  Aileen and I ate our lunch at the rec site on O'Connor Lake but we didn't stay long as the bugs were hungry too

We've been keeping very busy as usual here.  John and I have been out several days on the ATVs.  John, I and the ladies have gone for firewood twice in the past week, filling the eight foot truck box both times.  We have a campfire burning for much of the day and use a lot of wood.  We had my aunt and uncle and two cousins from Port Hardy and Port McNeill visit Friday evening.
We had some idiots in the campground setting off fireworks til one am this morning.  With Mitzy hyperventilating beside me and Aileen and I unable to stay asleep, it wasn't a good night.  About three am it started to rain hard and hasn't let up yet.  Too bad it hadn't started about three hours earlier.

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